Used stamps exchanges.

You send 25 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 25 back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
Enregistrement de timbres
20 Oct 2021, 18:07:35
Je n'arrive pas à enregisrter des timbres d'Italie reçus ce matin IT-777
IT n'existe pas dans la liste
10 Dec 2022, 07:19:01
You can now enter the entire ID in the text field without selecting the country.
25 Oct 2021, 06:54:19
Hi, I have marked this exchange as received. I'm not sure why you don't see IT on your device. Exchanges from Italy are registered and this means that it's working well for most users. Other members have reported this as well. Probably has something to do with your device. Try using another computer that is different (another OS) if possible.
Stickers Swaps