Lots sent: 318
Lots received: 315
Lots in progress: 10
Stars received: 4.96
Country: United States of America
Languages: English
Member since: 27 November 2016
Last activity: 26 March 2025
UPDATED: November 2024
I try very hard and spend a lot of time trying to fulfill other swappers' wishes and I sooooo appreciate it when someone does the same for me!
To keep it as simple as possible, please send fauna (animals, sea mammals) from the following countries, regions & territories and any surrounding waters:
Alaska (USA)
Antarctic Territories (any)
Faroe Islands
Shetland Island (any Channel islands or UK/BR isles)
Siberia (Russian territory)
Also looking for animals from:
Any animals that are all white, shown in snow or have arctic, arctos, arcticos, antarctic, snow, snowy, ice, white, blanc, polar, Siberian, Canadian or Alaskan in their name. Please include any extinct, prehistoric, fossils, constellations, artwork, cartoons etc. related to the above. (contact me if you want a list of the animals that would fit here)
At the tippy top of my wishlist are:
*polar bears*arctic rabbits*arctic foxes*arctic hares*arctic squirrels*arctic lemmings*arctic ermines/stoats*arctic wolves*arctic butterflies*musk oxen*wolverines*snowy owls*beluga whales*any sea mammals*woolly mammoths and mastadons*
I'm pretty desperate for Musk Oxen, Beluga Whales and Snowy Owls!
Anything related to ice or snow.. snow globes, snowmen/people. ice crystals, snowflakes, snowy landscapes, icicles
... and ice hockey!!!!!!!!!! (Let's Go BLUES!!!!!!!) (ice skating ok too)
Other topics of interest:
- archaeology from the biblical lands and Middle East (including: Egypt, Israel, Syria, Iran/Persia, Iraq/Mesopotamia, Cyprus, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, Turkey)
Sweets, treats, baked goods
bees & honey, berries
Disney Christmas, princesses, Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend)
New topical collection is anything related to MYSTERIES! authors, books, films, detectives, sleuths and so on
If you don't have enough of the above to fulfill the swap, or you just want to keep it simple, general fauna is great! I love animals!
Besides polar, arctic, sub-arctic, antarctic fauna, some of my favorite animals to receive stamps of would be....
Chinese Crested dogs (which are actually from Africa)
PINK Animals... by nature or by art... pigs, flamingos, dolphins or any animal shown in pink
squirrels, rabbits, mice, chipmunks, hamsters, woodchucks, prairie dogs, beavers, opossums, racoons, anything from the Mustelidae family (weasels, ferrets, otters, ermines, minks, stoats, pole martens, wolverines, badgers and so on) honey badgers, binturongs, capybaras, pikas, quokkas, wombats, possums, meerkats, racoon dogs...basically any cute and furry woodland critter or rodent-type animal
manatees/dugongs/sea cows
pandas, pangolins, tapirs, platypus, red pandas, aye-ayes, loris
I do NOT need any fauna stamps from Australia or Germany.
A few CTOs in my topics are okay but please do not send ANY definitives or the more common stamps. Please do not send any CTOs not in my specific topics.
I'm building a WishList at Colnect.com, PM me if you'd like the link. (I also have a detailed list of animals I'm looking for on my profile there)